Young Scientist Lecture 4:00-5:00 PM Aug 23nd, 2024 (GMT+8:00)

Speaker: Zhenyuan Yin
Title: Hydrate-basedCO2 sequestration in marine sediments: Recent development and futureprospects
Speaker bio: Dr. Zhenyuan YIN is an Associate Professor withthe Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School (SIGS). The direction of his group is on the thermodynamics, kinetics, and the coupled heat and mass transfer phenomena associated with the clathrate process, i.e., naturalgas hydrate recovery, CO2 sequestration and H2 storage,etc. To date, he has published 75 SCI papers, including 6 identified as ESI high-cited paper, 5 as cover paper and 1 as ESI hot paper. He has delivered about 50 keynote or invited talks and seminars worldwide and was identified as the Top 2% scientist by the Elsevier/Stanford Rankings. He received numerous local and international awards, including the prestigious IEC&R 2023 Class of Influential Researcher (2023), the China MS&T Youth Talent (2022), the Guangdong Pearl River Youth Talent (2022), and the AIChE Outstanding Postgraduate Research Thesis Award (2020) for his outstanding contributions to gas hydrate
Time and date :
0:00-1:00 AM Aug. 23 (GMT-8:00)
9:00-10:00 AM Aug. 23 (GMT+1:00)
4:00-5:00 PM Aug. 23 (GMT+8:00)
Zoom details:
The Zoom link is:
Meeting ID: 875 3599 2477
Passcode: 580130
Supporting institution:
TsinghuaShenzhen International Graduate School