Speaker: DR. Hongyu Wu
Title: Impact of Model Predictive Control-Enabled Home Energy Management on Large-Scale Distribution Systems with Photovoltaics
Speaker bio: Dr. Wu is an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Kansas State University, USA. He is a recipient of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Career Award and an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid and on Industrial Informatics. His research interests include smart grid cyber-physical security, building energy management, and grid integration of renewable energy.
Supporting institution: Kansas State University, U.S.
ADAPEN paper link:
Abstract: Residential customers use more than one-quarter of the electricity in the world. Optimally managing home energy consumption is an effective way of easing the operational challenges facing the electric grid with increasing solar photovoltaics (PV). This paper studies the impact of the future proliferation of home energy management systems (HEMS) in the presence of PV on large-scale distribution systems. First, we present a stochastic HEMS model that minimizes residential customers' thermal discomfort and energy costs under uncertainty. The HEMS model schedules the optimal operations of residential appliances in the presence of PV within a mixed-integer linear programming-based model predictive control framework that links the proposed HEMS to a quasi-steady-state time-series simulation tool. Extensive simulations are conducted for a stand-alone residential home using two tariff structures and for 1977 homes on an 8,500-node distribution feeder. Simulation results quantify the impact of the future proliferation of HEMS on the large-scale distribution system with PV.